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论著 | 更新时间:2015-11-03
Effectiveness observation of individualized psychological intervention for hypertension patients combined with mental illness in rural community

内科 201302期 页码:107-108+117

作者机构:广西浦北县人民医院, 浦北县535300


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目的了解个体化心理干预对伴心理疾病的农村社区高血压患者的临床效果。方法将经SCL-90测评判定伴有心理疾病的农村社区高血压患者1125例随机分为心理干预组(干预组)562例和对照组 563例。对照组按高血压防治指南要求予常规管理;心理干预组在同对照组常规管理的基础上进行个体化心理干预,6个月后统计疗效。结果心理干预组临床治疗效果(以血压下降为主要评判标准)总有效率为97.0%,对照组为67.3%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。干预组心血管事件发生率为1.8%,对照组为5.7%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(<0.05),干预组SCL-90测评判定伴有心理疾病的人数下降比对照组明显,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论心理干预可使伴心理疾病的农村社区高血压患者的血压达标率明显升高,生活质量明显改善。
ObjectiveTo investigate the effects of individualized psychological intervention to hypertension patients combined with mental illness in rural community.Methods1125 patients with hypertension in rural community were selected, those patients with mental illness were determined by SCL-90. All patients were randomly divided into two groups : the control group(563 cases) received routine management according to guidelines for the prevention and treatment of hypertension , the intervention group (562 cases) were given both psychological intervention and routine management . After six months intervening, effectiveness was gathered statistics. ResultsThe total cure rate was 97.0% in the intervention group, superior to 67.3% in the control group (P<0.01). The incidence rate of cardiovascular events in the intervention groups was 1.8%, more than that in the control group (5.7%), there were significant diffenences between the 2 groups, (P<0.05), the number of mental disease in the intervention group was Less than that in the control group (P<0.01).ConclusionIndividualized psychological intervention can improve the compliance rate of hypertension patients combined with mental illness in rural community, and significantly improve the quality of life.
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