目的建立细辛药材中马兜铃酸A含量的测定方法。方法采用索氏提取法对细辛进行提取,高效液相色谱法测定马兜铃酸的含量。结果马兜铃酸在0.003 4~0.017 0 μg范围内呈良好的线性关系,平均回收率为98.27%,RSD为1.16%。不同产地和品种的细辛药材中马兜铃酸含量不一,以华细辛中马兜铃酸含量最高。结论本方法简便易行、重复性好,能够灵敏地检测到药材中是否含有马兜铃酸。
ObjectiveTo establish a high performance liquid chromatography method for determining aristolochic acid in Herba asari.MethodsThe composition of Herba asari were extracted by Soxhlet extraction method.The content of aristolochic acid was determined by HPLC.ResultsA good linearity was obtained as the contents of aristolochic acid A within the range of 0.0034-0.0170 μg and the average recovery rate was 98.27% with RSD 1.16%.The content of aristolochic acid was different in the species and producirg area of asarum with the highest in Asarum sieboldii Miq.ConclusionThis method is simple and easy with good reproducibility,can be used to control the quality of aristolochic acid in traditional Chinese medicine.