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论著 | 更新时间:2022-05-18
Analysis of HIV infection status and its influencing factors among male patients in sexually transmitted disease clinics in Guangxi

内科 202217卷02期 页码:125-129

作者机构:1 广西医科大学公共卫生学院&广西艾滋病防治研究重点实验室,南宁市530021;2 钦州市疾病预防控制中心,广西钦州市535000;3 崇左市疾病预防控制中心,广西崇左市532200

基金信息:▲基金项目:国家自然科学基金地区基金(8206610);广西科技计划项目(重点研发计划)(桂科AB18050022,桂科AB19245038)*通信作者:叶力,广西医科大学公共卫生学院,电子邮箱 yeligx@163.com


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目的了解广西性病门诊男性就诊者的HIV感染状况及影响因素,为广西针对性开展艾滋病防控工作提供科学依据。方法在2010~2020年每年4~7月,以广西两个城市县级以上医院的性病门诊男性就诊者作为研究对象,采用全国哨点监测性病门诊人群问卷对男性就诊者进行问卷调查;对研究对象进行HIV检测,对HIV阳性者和HIV阴性者进行倾向性评分匹配(PSM),构建logistic回归模型探索性病门诊男性就诊者HIV感染的影响因素。结果共调查2010~2020年广西性病门诊男性就诊者21 369名,其中确诊HIV阳性患者共272例(1.3%);共有272对研究对象经PSM匹配成功。HIV阴性和HIV阳性研究对象最近3个月是否发生过临时性行为、最近1年是否接受社区药物维持治疗及清洁针具提供/交换服务和最近1年是否接受同伴教育服务这3个方面的情况比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);HIV阴性和HIV阳性研究对象最近3个月是否注射吸毒、最近3个月是否有同性性行为、最近1年是否曾被诊断过性病和最近1年是否接受安全套宣传和发放/艾滋病咨询与检测服务这4个方面的情况比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。logistic回归分析结果显示,最近3个月发生过临时性行为、最近1年接受社区药物维持治疗及清洁针具提供/交换服务和最近1年接受同伴教育服务是广西性病门诊男性就诊者HIV感染的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。结论广西性病门诊男性就诊者HIV阳性检出率较高,最近3个月发生过临时性行为、最近1年接受社区药物维持治疗及清洁针具提供/交换服务和最近1年接受同伴教育服务是他们HIV感染的独立影响因素。
ObjectiveTo investigate HIV infection status and its influencing factors among male patients in sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics in Guangxi, and to provide scientific basis for the targeted AIDS prevention and control in Guangxi. MethodsFrom April to July of each year from 2010 to 2020, male patients in STD clinics in the hospitals above the county level in two cities of Guangxi were selected as the research objects and were surveyed by national sentinel surveillance STD clinics population-based questionnaire. Research objects were tested for HIV, and propensity score matching (PSM) was performed between HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients to construct a logistic regression model to explore the influencing factors of HIV infection among male patients in STD clinics. ResultsA total of 21 369 male patients in Guangxi STD clinics from 2010 to 2020 were investigated, of whom 272 (1.3%) were confirmed HIV positive. And a total of 272 pairs of research objects were successfully matched by PSM. There were statistically significant differences between HIV-negative and HIV-positive research objects in whether they had temporary sexual behavior in the last 3 months, whether they had received community medication maintenance therapy and services for the provision or exchange of cleaning needles in the last 1 year, and whether they had received peer education services in the last 1 year (P<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between HIV-negative and HIV-positive research objects in whether they had injected with drugs in the last 3 months, whether they had homosexual behavior in the last 3 months, whether they had been diagnosed with venereal diseases in the last 1 year, and whether they had received condom promotion / HIV counseling and testing services in the last 1 year (P>0.05). The result of logistic regression analysis showed that having temporary sexual behavior in the last 3 months, receiving community medication maintenance therapy and services for the provision or exchange of cleaning needles, and receiving the peer education services in the last 1 year were independent influencing factors for HIV infection among male patients in Guangxi STD clinics (P<0.05). ConclusionThe detection rate of HIV positive is higher in male patients in Guangxi STD clinics and having temporary sexual behavior in the last 3 months, receiving community medication maintenance therapy and services for the provision or exchange of cleaning needles, and receiving the peer education services in the last 1 year were independent influencing factors for HIV infection.






