目的探讨新型冠状病毒感染患者的流行病学及临床特征,为科学防控提供参考。方法选取2020年1月23日至3月16日东莞市第九人民医院收治的新型冠状病毒感染确诊患者114例为研究对象,收集患者流行病学史、基本情况、潜伏期、住院时间、临床症状体征、实验室检测结果、CT检查结果等相关资料并进行统计分析。结果114例患者中,14 d内从湖北省(包括武汉市)疫区返回或有疫区旅居史者共77例占67.5%,有与确诊病例密切接触史者共35例占30.7%,无明确疫区旅居史和密切接触史者1例占0.9%,国外输入患者1例占0.9%;聚集性发病15起,患者共62例,其中家庭聚集发病14起,患者56例;患者均无特异性临床症状,咳嗽47例(41.2%)、乏力41例(36.0%)、咳痰34例(29.8%)、头痛33例(28.9%)、发热27例(23.7%),轻型患者16例(14.0%)、普通型患者66例(57.9%)、重型患者10例(8.8%)、危重型患者8例(7.0%),无症状感染患者14例(12.3%)。不同临床分型患者的年龄、住院治疗时间比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但患者的性别、潜伏期比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同临床分型患者及无症状感染者的白细胞计数、中性粒细胞计数、CRP水平比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但其淋巴细胞计数、PCT水平比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。无症状感染者(14例)和轻型患者(16例)胸部CT检查未见异常, 普通型、重型及危重型(84例)患者的胸部CT检查均有斑片状磨玻璃样改变。结论东莞市新型冠状病毒感染患者以输入性病例为主,家庭聚集性发病多见,患者无特异性临床症状,大多为普通型,普通型、重型及危重型患者的胸部CT检查均显示有斑片状或磨玻璃样改变。
ObjectiveTo explore the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients infected with novel coronavirus, and to provide references for scientific prevention and control. MethodA total of 114 patients infected with novel coronavirus admitted to the Ninth People′s Hospital of Dongguan from January 23 to March 16, 2020, were selected as the research objects. The relative data of patients in the history of epidemiology, basic information, incubation period, hospital stays, clinical symptoms and signs, laboratory test results, CT examination results etc. were collected and statistically analyzed. ResultsAmong the 114 patients, 77 patients who returned from epidemic areas in Hubei Province (including Wuhan) or had a history of sojourn in epidemic areas within 14 days accounted for 67.5%, 35 patients who had a history of close contact to confirmed cases accounted for 30.7%, 1 patient who did not have a definite history of sojourn and close contact in epidemic areas accounted for 0.9%, and 1 patient imported from abroad accounted for 0.9%. 15 onset cases belonged to cluster disease, including 62 patients, among which 14 onset cases belonged to family cluster disease, including 56 patients. The patients had no specific clinical symptoms, of which 47 cases with cough (41.2%), 41 cases with fatigue (36.0%), 34 cases with expectoration (29.8%), 33 cases with headache (28.9%), and 27 cases with fever (23.7%). There were 16 mild patients (14.0%), 66 ordinary patients (57.9%), 10 severe patients (8.8%), 8 critical patients (7.0%), and 14 patients (12.3%) with asymptomatic infection. There were statistically significant differences in the age and hospitalization time of patients in different clinical types (P<0.05), but the differences in gender and incubation period were not statistically significant (P>0.05). There were statistically significant differences in the white blood cell counts, neutrophil counts, and CRP levels between the patients in different clinical types and the patients with asymptomatic infections (P<0.05), but there were no statistically significant differences in lymphocyte counts and PCT level between them (P>0.05). The chest CT examination of patients with asymptomatic infection (14 cases) and mild patients (16 cases) showed no abnormalities. The chest CT examinations of ordinary, severe and critical patients (84 cases) presented in patchy ground glass-like changes. ConclusionThe majority of patients infected with novel coronavirus in Dongguan are imported cases. The onset of family cluster disease is common. The patients have no specific clinical symptoms and most of them interpret in ordinary type. The chest CT examinations of ordinary, severe and critical patients all express patchy or ground glass-like changes.