当前位置:首页 / 博来霉素诱导建立硬皮病模型小鼠的肠道受累情况分析研究▲
论著 | 更新时间:2021-05-20
Analysis of intestinal involvement in scleroderma model mice induced by bleomycin

内科 202116卷02期 页码:142-145


基金信息:▲基金项目:广西自然科学基金资助项目(No.2018JJD140051),广西中医药重点学科建设项目(GZXK-Z-20-52) *通信作者:吕军影,广西医科大学第一附属医院,电子邮箱 lujunying007@163.com


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目的采用博来霉素诱导建立硬皮病小鼠模型,观察分析硬皮病肠道并发症小鼠模型的病理特征,为建立良好的动物模型对硬皮病胃肠并发症进行深入研究提供参考。方法选取雌性BALB/c小鼠20只,采用随机数字法分为对照组和模型组,每组10只。对照组小鼠在背部皮下注射磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)0.1 mL,1次/d;模型组小鼠在背部皮下注射博来霉素磷酸盐缓冲液0.1 mL建立硬皮病模型,1次/d。两组小鼠均连续注射4周。造模结束后第2天小鼠禁食不禁水,24 h后予半固体营养糊灌胃,灌胃20 min后脱颈处死小鼠。观察比较两组小鼠背部注射区皮肤、肺和结肠组织切片的病理学特征;比较两组小鼠的小肠推进率。结果模型组小鼠的皮肤、肺和结肠组织均有纤维化及炎性浸润改变;模型组小鼠的小肠推进率明显低于对照组小鼠,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论博来霉素诱导的硬皮病小鼠模型具有明显肠道病理改变,可作为深入研究硬皮病肠道并发症发病机制的理想模型。
ObjectiveTo establish bleomycin-induced mice model of scleroderma, to observe and analyze the pathological characteristics of intestinal complications of scleroderma, and to provide a reference for in-depth study on intestinal complications of scleroderma by establishing a favourable animal model. MethodsA total of 20 female BALB/c mice were selected and divided into control group and model group by the random number method, with 10 mice in each group. The mice in the control group were subcutaneously injected with 0.1 mL of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) on the back, once a day, whereas the mice in the model group were injected subcutaneously with 0.1 mL of bleomycin PBS on the back to establish a scleroderma model, once a day. Both groups of mice were injected continuously for 4 weeks. On the second day after establishing the model, the mice received fasting but no water-depriving. After 24 hours, the mice were intragastrically administrated with semi-solid nutritional paste and then the mice were killed by neck removal after 20 minutes of gavage. The pathological characteristics of the skin of injection area on the back, lung and colon tissues biopsies of the two groups were observed and compared. The small intestine propulsion rate was compared between the two groups. ResultsThe skin, lung and colon tissues of the model group had fibrosis and inflammatory infiltration changes. The small intestine propulsion rate of the model group was lower than that of the control group, with statistically significant differences (P<0.05). ConclusionThe bleomycin-induced scleroderma mice model has obvious intestinal pathological changes, which can be used as an ideal model to study the pathogenesis of intestinal complications of scleroderma.






