【摘要】目的探讨艾灸联合抗阻运动干预对糖尿病前期人群血糖、血脂的影响。方法选取广西河池市中山社区、解放社区人群为研究对象,共筛选出糖尿病前期人群160例,采用随机数字表法分为联合组(37例)、抗阻组(34例)、艾灸组(36例)和对照组(35例),干预组对象分别进行为期12个月的艾灸联合抗阻运动、抗阻运动、艾灸治疗,对照组对象按照原有生活方式生活、不进行任何干预。检测比较干预3个月、6个月、12个月后四组对象的血糖、血脂水平变化。结果干预3个月、6个月后,联合组、抗阻组、艾灸组对象FBG、2h PBG、HbA1c水平均显著低于对照组(P<0.05),其中联合组对象血糖改善情况最好;干预6个月后,联合组、抗阻组、艾灸组对象TG水平均显著低于对照组(P<0.05),联合组、抗阻组对象HDL水平高于对照组,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);干预12个月后,联合组、抗阻组、艾灸组对象FBG、HbA1c、TC、TG水平显著低于对照组(P<0.05),联合组对象LDL水平显著低于其他三组(P<0.05)。结论抗阻运动、艾灸干预均能有效改善糖尿病前期人群的血糖、血脂代谢,二者联合干预的效果更好。
【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of moxibustion combined with resistance exercise on glucose and lipids in prediabetic subjects. MethodsA total of 160 cases of pre diabetic subjects from Zhongshan and Jiefang community in Hechi city were randomly divided into combined group (37 cases), resistance exercise group (34 cases), moxibustion group (36 cases) and control group (35 cases), the intervention groups were treated with moxibustion combined with resistance exercise, resistance exercise,moxibustion for 12 months, respectively, and the control group live in the original way of life and received no intervention. After 3 months, 6 months, 12 months of intervention, the levels of fasting blood glucose and blood lipids were compared among the four groups. ResultsAfter 3 months, 6 months of intervention, the levels of FBG, 2h PBG and HbA1c in the combined group, resistance exercise group, moxibustion group were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.05), and the improve of blood glucose in combined group was the best; after 6 months of intervention, the levels of TG in the combined group, resistance exercise group, moxibustion group were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.05), the levels of HDL in the combined group, resistance exercise group were lower than those in the control group, but the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05); after 12 months of intervention, the levels of FBG, HbA1c TC,and TG in the combined group, resistance exercise group, moxibustion group were significantly lower than those in the control group, the level of LDL in the combined group was significantly lower than that in the other groups(P<0.05). ConclusionsResistance exercise, moxibustion can improve the glucose and lipids in prediabetic subjects, and the combined intervention has better effect.