当前位置:首页 / 2015年广西死因监测点慢性阻塞性肺疾病死亡情况分析
论著 | 更新时间:2017-03-07
Analysis of death causes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Guangxi monitoring points in 2015

内科 201712卷01期 页码:40-42+121

作者机构:1 广西壮族自治区卫生和计划生育委员会,南宁市530021;2 广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心,南宁市530028



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目的分析广西死因监测点居民2015年数据,了解居民慢性阻塞性肺部疾病(COPD)死亡水平、死亡原因及其影响因素,为制定防治对策提供科学依据。方法采用国际疾病分类 ICD-10对死亡居民所患疾病进行死因编码,用统计软件SPSS 17.0进行统计分析。结果2015年广西国家级监测点居民总死亡率为645.41/10万,COPD死亡率为 65.37/10万,占呼吸系统疾病死亡的64.08%;农村居民COPD死亡率明显高于城市居民(P<0.01),男性COPD死亡率明显高于女性(P<0.01);居民COPD的死亡率从45岁后随年龄增长呈现明显升高趋势,60岁以后上升幅度较大,85岁达高峰;COPD死亡居民主要在家中死亡,生前主要在二级医院和卫生院就诊、最高诊断依据为“临床表现+理化检查”。结论农村居民、男性居民和60岁以上老人是COPD死亡的高危人群,应加以重点关注;建议采取减少危险因素等一系列防控措施,有效降低居民COPD死亡率,提高生存质量。
ObjectiveTo analyze the death data of Guangxi monitoring points in 2015, and understand the death level, causes and the influencing factors of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and provide scientific basis for the prevention and treatment. MethodsICD-10 was used to encode the death disease and the statistical software SPSS was used for statistical analysis. ResultsIn 2015, the total mortality rate of Guangxi national monitoring sites was 645.41/105, and the mortality rate of COPD was 65.37/105, accounting for 64.08% of respiratory diseases deaths; the mortality rate of COPD in rural residents was significantly higher than that in urban residents (P<0.01), and the mortality rate of COPD of male was significantly higher than that of female (P<0.01) ;the mortality rate of COPD was significantly increased with age after the age of 45, and increased significantly after the age of 60, reaching the peak at the age of 85; the main death place of COPD was at home, clinic site was mainly secondary hospitals and institutes, the highest diagnostic basis was “clinical+physical”. ConclusionsRural, male residents and over 60 age people are at high risk of COPD death, should be the concern object; we should take a series of measures to reduce the risk factors, effectively reduce the mortality rate of COPD and improve the quality of life.






