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论著 | 更新时间:2015-09-29
Application value of Cys C and microalbuminuria in diagnosis of early kidney damage in children with allergic purpura

内科 201502期 页码:147-149,165



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目的分析胱抑素C(Cys C)与尿微量蛋白在儿童过敏性紫癜早期肾脏损害诊断中的应用价值。方法选取30例儿童过敏性紫癜早期肾脏损害患者作为观察组,同期选择30例健康体检儿童作为对照组,并采用免疫散射比浊法测定研究对象尿微量蛋白系列,采用液相透射比浊法测定血清Cys C,采用Jaffe′s动力法测定血肌酐水平,对比分析两组研究对象的检测结果。结果观察组患者6项血尿指标均高于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05); ALBU/UCr、NAG/UCr、ɑ1-MU/UCr、IGGU/UCr、Cys C、TRF检验指标诊断儿童过敏性紫癜早期肾脏损害的ROC曲线面积分别为0.838、0.791、0.818、0.822、0.651、0.871,灵敏度分别为66.7%、66.7%、93.3%、80.0%、53.3%、80.0%,特异度分别为93.3%、86.6%、66.7%、86.7%、73.4%、80.0%;30例观察组患者血尿6项指标中1项以上异常有25例(83.33%),明显高于常规肾功能检测的异常率0%(P<0.05)。尿微量蛋白各指标水平与Cys C呈正相关。结论尿微量蛋白系列与血清Cys C联合检测儿童过敏性紫癜早期肾脏损害灵敏度较高,作用显著,能为临床早期诊断、早期治疗提供依据。
ObjectiveTo analyze the value of Cys C and microalbuminuria in diagnosis of early kidney damage in children with allergic purpura. Methods30 cases of early kidney damage in children with allergic purpura were treated as the observation group, and 30 cases children with healthy physical examination were selected as the control group, the microalbuminuria series were measured by immune nephelometry assay, and the level of serum Cys C was measured by liquid phase transmission turbidity, while the serum creatinine was detected by Jaffe′s power law, the test data were statistically analyzed. ResultsThe six urine indexes in observation group were significantly higher than those in control group (P<0.05); the ROC curve area of ALBU/UCR, NAG/UCR, ɑ1-MU/UCR, IGGU/UCR, Cys C,TRF for early kidney damage in children with allergic purpura were 0.838,0.791,0.818,0.822,0.651,0.871, respectively, and the sensitivity were 66.7%, 66.7%, 93.3 %, 80.0%, 53.3%, 80.0%, respectively, and specificity were 93.3%, 86.6%, 66.7%, 86.7%, 73.4%, 80.0%, respectively; 25 cases (83.33%) in observation group had one or more indicators abnormal in six indicators of hematuria, the exception rate was significantly higher than conventional detection of abnormal renal function (0%) (P<0.05). The level of microalbuminuria series were positively correlated with Cys C. ConclusionsThe combined microalbuminuria series and serum Cys C tests diplay high sensitivity in the diagnosis of early kidney damage in children with allergic purpura, which may contribute to the early diagnosis and treatment,and the effect is significant.
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