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论著 | 更新时间:2024-11-29
Analysis of the 2022 health examination results of adults in Liaoning Electric Power Central Hospital

内科 202419卷05期 页码:510-515

作者机构:1 辽宁电力中心医院健康管理科,沈阳市 110015;2 四川省仪陇县人民医院泌尿外科,南充市 637600


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目的 分析辽宁电力中心医院2022年度成年人群的健康体检结果,探索成年人群体检异常结果的分布特点及规律,为常见疾病的防控提供依据。方法 以2022年辽宁电力中心医院健康管理中心的59 593例成年受检者作为研究对象,分析其一般资料和心电图、胸部/肺部CT、甲状腺彩超、乳腺彩超、腹部彩超、子宫附件彩超、液基薄层细胞学检测(TCT)、骨密度检测(超声)等检查结果。结果 在纳入的体检项目中,检出率排名前5的疾病诊断或阳性结果分别为:甲状腺结节和(或)囊肿(58.52%)、脂肪肝(54.11%)、肺结节(52.51%)、异常心电图(32.60%)和骨密度降低(31.21%)。男性检出率排名前5的疾病诊断或阳性结果依次为:脂肪肝(62.41%)、甲状腺结节和(或)囊肿(55.44%)、肺结节(51.17%)、异常心电图(32.90%)、前列腺增大(32.69%)。女性检出率排名前5的疾病诊断或阳性结果依次为:甲状腺结节和(或)囊肿(65.17%)、肺结节(55.55%)、乳腺结节和(或)囊肿(41.65%)、子宫肌瘤(36.66%)、脂肪肝(35.80%)。不同年龄组间,除TCT异常细胞学改变外,本研究纳入的体检项目的体检异常检出率差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.001)。结论 2022年度辽宁电力中心医院不同性别和年龄的成年人群健康体检异常结果有其特定的分布特点,甲状腺结节和(或)囊肿、脂肪肝、肺结节、异常心电图、骨密度降低等检出率较高,应针对上述规律制定相应的体检方案并进行针对性的健康宣教。

【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the 2022 health examination results of adults in Liaoning Electric Power Central Hospital and explore the distributive characteristics and rules of abnormal health examination results of adults, so as to provide a basis for the prevention and control of common diseases. Methods A total of 59,593 adults receiveing examinations in the Health Management Center of Liaoning Electric Power Central Hospital in 2022 were enrolled as research subjects, whose general data were analyzed, as well as results of the examinations, including electrocardiogram, chest/lung CT, color ultrasound for thyroid, breast, abdomen, and uterine adnexa, thin-prep cytology test (TCT), and bone mineral density test (ultrasound). Results Among the included physical examination items, the disease diagnosis or positive result whose detection rate ranked in the top 5 included thyroid nodules and/or cysts (58.52%), fatty liver (54.11%), pulmonary nodules (52.51%), abnormal electrocardiogram (32.60%), and decreased bone mineral density (31.21%). In males, the results were fatty liver (62.41%), thyroid nodules and/or cysts (55.44%), pulmonary nodules (51.17%), abnormal electrocardiogram (32.90%), and prostate enlargement (32.69%). In females, the results were thyroid nodules and/or cysts (65.17%), pulmonary nodules (55.55%), breast nodules and/or cysts (41.65%), uterine fibroids (36.66%), and fatty liver (35.80%). Except for the abnormal cytological changes in the TCT, all health examination items included in the research had statistically sighificant differences in the detection rates among groups with various ages (all P<0.001). Conclusion In Liaoning Electric Power Central Hospital, the 2022 abnormal health examination results of adults with different genders and ages have their specific distributive characteristics, and the detection rates of thyroid nodules and/or cysts, fatty liver, pulmonary nodules, abnormal electrocardiograms, and decreased bone mineral density are high, according to which the corresponding health examination plans should be formulated and targeted health education should be carried out.






