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论著 | 更新时间:2025-02-21
Disease spectrum characteristics and epidemiological analysis of patients in the emergency treatment room of the emergency department of a tertiary A general hospital

内科 202419卷06期 页码:581-587

作者机构:广西医科大学第二附属医院急诊科,南宁市 530007

基金信息:▲基金项目:广西壮族自治区卫生健康委员会自筹经费科研课题(Z20201428) 通信作者:邱丽丽


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目的 分析南宁市1家三甲综合医院2022年急诊科抢救室患者的疾病谱及流行病学特点。方法 回顾性分析2022年1月1日至12月31日广西南宁市某三甲综合医院急诊科抢救室收治的3 858例患者的病历资料,包括性别、年龄、就诊时间、主要诊断、抢救室滞留时间等。结果 3 858例急诊科抢救室患者中,男女比为1.73∶1,年龄15~98(58.16±19.00)岁;患者以年轻老年组(>60~75岁)占比最高,其次为青年组(≤44岁)和中年组(>44~60岁)。急危重症高发于春季,秋冬次之,夏季最少;每日以9:00~12:00、15:00~17:00、18:00~22:00就诊患者居多。急诊科抢救室患者疾病谱前5位分别是神经系统疾病[占26.0%,男性668例,女性334例,年龄(60.36±16.55)岁],循环系统疾病[占25.8%,男性616例,女性379例,年龄(61.90±16.96)岁],呼吸系统疾病[占14.8%,男性351例,女性221例,年龄(66.50±17.79)岁],消化系统疾病[占11.2%,男性327例,女性105例,年龄(56.92±17.50)岁],损伤、中毒或外因的某些其他后果[占7.7%,男性175例,女性122例,年龄(37.49±17.82)岁];这五大系统疾病急诊科抢救室患者,男性占比均高于女性,且年龄差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05);其中,神经系统疾病以脑梗死(52.4%)最为多见,其次为脑出血(27.6%)和癫痫(5.0%);循环系统疾病以心力衰竭(27.4%)最多见,其次为急性冠脉综合征(21.0%)和高血压急症(19.2%);呼吸系统疾病以肺炎(51.6%)最多见,其次为慢性阻塞性肺疾病(19.8%)和呼吸衰竭(8.0%);消化系统疾病以消化道出血(44.2%)最多见,其次为急性胰腺炎(14.6%)和急性胆囊炎(4.4%);损伤、中毒或外因的某些其他后果以药物中毒(38.7%)最多见,其次为多发伤(38.0%)。急诊科抢救室患者的抢救室滞留时间中位数为6.80 h;88.3%的患者24 h内可分流离开抢救室,0.9%的患者抢救室滞留时间超过72 h;滞留时间>6 h的患者共2 136例(55.4%),其中排名前5位的病种分别为:循环系统疾病,神经系统疾病,呼吸系统疾病,消化系统疾病,损伤、中毒或外因的某些其他后果。结论 广西南宁市某三甲综合医院急诊科抢救室2022年主要救治心脑血管疾病、呼吸及消化系统疾病、多发伤及药物中毒患者;整体以男性、>60~75岁急危重症患者多见;急诊科抢救室就诊高峰为春季,每日上午、下午、晚上各有1个高峰;多数患者抢救室滞留时间>6 h。

Objective To analyze the 2022 disease spectrum and epidemiological characteristics of patients in the emergency treatment room (ER) of a emergency department of a tertiary general hospital in Nanning. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed using the medical records of 3,858 patients admitted to the ER of emergency department of a tertiary A general hospital in Nanning, Guangxi, from January 1 to December 31, 2022, including gender, age, time of consultation, main diagnosis, and ER length of stay. Results Among the 3,858 patients in the ER of the Department of Emergency, the male-to-female ratio was 1.73:1, and the age was 15-98 (58.16±19.00) years; the youngest-old group (> 60-75 years old) accounted for the largest proportion of patients, followed by the young group (≤44 years old) and the middle-aged group (> 44-60 years old). The incidence of acute and critical illness was the highest in spring, followed by those in autumn and winter, and that in summer was the lowest; most patients visited between 9:00 and 12:00, 15:00 and 17:00, and 18:00 and 22:00. In patients of the ER of emergency department, the top 5 disease spectrums were diseases of the nervous system (accounted for 26.0%, with 668 males and 334 females aged [60.36±16.55] years), diseases of the circulatory system (accounted for 25.8%, with 616 males and 379 females aged [61.90±16.96] years), diseases of the respiratory system (accounted for 14.8%, with 351 males and 221 females aged [66.50±17.79] years), diseases of the digestive system (accounted for 11.2%, with 327 males and 105 females aged [56.92±17.50] years), injury, poisoning or certain other consequences of external causes (accounted for 7.7%, with 175 males and 122 females aged [37.49±17.82] years). Among the patients with the aforementioned 5 types of diseases, the proportions of males were higher than those of females, and the age differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). Among the 5 types of diseases, the proportion of cerebral infarction in diseases of the nervous system (52.4%) was the highest, followed by those of cerebral hemorrhage (27.6%) and epilepsy (5.0%); the proportion of heart failure in diseases of the circulatory system (27.4%) was the highest, followed by those of acute coronary syndrome (21.0%) and hypertensive emergency (19.2%); the proportion of pneumonia in diseases of the respiratory system (51.6%) was the highest, followed by those of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (19.8%) and respiratory failure (8.0%); the proportion of gastrointestinal hemorrhage in diseases of the digestive system (44.2%) was the highest, followed by those of acute pancreatitis (14.6%) and acute cholecystitis (4.4%); the proportion of drug poisoning in injury, poisoning or some other consequences of external causes (38.7%) was the highest, followed by that of multiple injuries (38.0%). For patients in the ER of the emergency department, the median ER length of stay was 6.80 hours; 88.3% of the patients could be discharged from the ER within 24 hours, and 0.9% of the patients stayed in the ER for more than 72 hours; a total of 2,136 patients (55.4%) stayed in the ER for more than 6 hours, and the top 5 disease spectrums were diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the digestive system, and injury, poisoning or certain other consequences of external causes. Conclusion In 2022, the majority of patients in the ER of the emergency department of a tertiary A general hospital in Nanning, Guangxi, were cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, respiratory and digestive system diseases, multiple injuries, and drug poisoning; most patients with acute and critical illness were males and aged >60-75 years old; the peak of ER visits in the emergency department located in spring, with a peak in the morning, afternoon, and evening, respectively, every day; most of the patients stayed in the ER for more than 6 hours.






