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论著 | 更新时间:2015-12-18
Analysis of Guangxi slugs infected with Guangzhou Angiostrongylus

内科 201204期 页码:331-333



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目的了解广西广州管圆线虫中间宿主-蛞蝓的感染情况。方法对广西蛞蝓感染广州管圆线虫情况进行抽样调查,将广西分为东西南北中5个区域进行抽样,每个区域抽取2~4个县市,每个县市选取1个点,共17个点,对所采集的蛞蝓采用酶消化法进行处理和检查。结果在广西5个区域17个县市共采集检查蛞蝓2 455条,感染广州管圆线虫的蛞蝓(阳性)664条,总感染率为27.05%。从区域看,桂西感染率最高(45.79%),桂中感染率最低(为15.65%)。不同生长环境蛞蝓感染率也不同,居民住宅区感染率最高(42.01%),野外的感染率最低(16.50%)。结论广西不同区域、不同生长环境中蛞蝓的广州管圆线虫感染率不同,但蛞蝓总感染率比较高;居民生产、生活接触蛞蝓机会大,存在感染广州管圆线虫病的潜在威胁。
ObjectiveTo investigate the Angiostrongylus cantonensis infection in slug that is the intermediate host of Angiostrongylus cantonensis.Methodsthe Angiostrongylus cantonensis infection in slug in 17 counties were randomly investigated,the Guangxi was divided into 5 regions,in each region 2-4 counties were chosen in each city and in each city one point was chosen,a total of 17 points were examined by the method of enzyme digestion.Results2455 slug were collected from 17 counties with a positive rate of 27.05% (664/2455).The infection rates of slug were different among the five regions.The highest and the lowest infection rate were in the West and the Middle of Guangxi with 45.79% and 15.65%,respectively.The Angiostrongylus cantonensis infection in slug also was varied in different types of environment;the residential areas had the highest infection rate (42.01%) and the wild areas had the lowest one (16.50%).ConclusionDifferent infection rate in slug are observed in different regions and different types of environment.The total infection rate in slug was relatively high,additionally,there are have many chances of being exposed to slug of the residents,leading to a potential transmission of Angiostrongylus cantonensis to human.
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